A great online resource to learn about wonderful churches and special ministries!
Ministries in the Midwest is not affiliated with any church, ministry, or religious entity but rather it is a blog displaying outstanding ministries in the Midwest region.
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The Midwest’s ministries is an online platform to highlight great Christian ministries that are laboring in the harvest field. Churches have been rooted in the history of the Midwest. When pioneers traveled out West on the Oregon Trail, there were ministries to refresh their souls during their travels. When families came looking for a new life, there were churches with open doors to welcome them in and preach to them the gospel! The spirit of love continues into the present of many dynamic churches in this region. Particularly, HOPCC St. Louis, MO which has a great evangelism and prayer ministry.
The Midwest is host to some great churches that have remarkable ministries and are powerful witnesses for Christ!
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