In the heart of America sits St. Louis, MO. It is a large, diverse city teeming with life due to its proximity to the Mississippi River. This city had been called the gateway to the West, stemming from its history regarding the United States’ westward expansion during the 19th century. But there is another gate that lies nestled deep within that city, a strait and narrow one that leads to life. That gate is manned by the members of the House of Prayer Christian church in St. Louis. HOPCC St. Louis, MO is a church on the move, summoning and guiding people to that strait gate and helping them on their journey to eternal life through their food pantry, full gospel preaching, and excellent ministries of prayer. Ministries in the Midwest will take an in-depth look at some of these ministries of HOPCC St. Louis, MO.
Food Pantry
Ministries in the Midwest recognizes the many hours of labor and sacrifice expended to provide the food pantry’s life-saving service at HOPCC St Louis, MO. These selfless church members devote hours of their time to their community’s service, picking up the donated food from multiple vendors and giving it out to those in need. Jesus exhibited this example to his disciples in the Bible when he broke the loaves of bread and gave to the hungry souls that had followed him. “Everybody ate and they all had enough.” Luke 9:17 EasyEnglish This is the purpose of the food pantry, to give all those in need of food enough to eat and satisfy the hunger they are experiencing. HOPCC St. Louis, MO food pantry is a lifeline for numerous people who, otherwise, would be lacking in the nourishment needed to live a healthy life.
Full Gospel Preaching
In addition to the natural bread being supplied at HOPCC St. Louis, MO, the spiritual bread of life is also being broken and distributed in the form of full gospel preaching. The Word of God, the bread of life, is still being preached and received by hungry souls in the heart of America. Ministries in the Midwest understands the importance of delivering the complete Word of life in preaching and not just portions to produce a certain feeling. In a healthy diet, one needs to consume a full range of nutrients from all food groups to thrive. It is the same way pertaining to the preaching of the Bible. House of Prayer in St. Louis provides a full gospel diet of preaching from the Word of God so that all who partake in this spiritual food are well-nourished and thriving for Jesus in their community.
Awesome Ministries (Prayer Ministries)
Now, Ministries in the Midwest would like to highlight one of HOPCC St. Louis, MO’s incredible ministries. Although many wonderful ministries could be emphasized, the ministry of prayer is given special acknowledgment. Many in the communities in and around St. Louis can testify of the enduring power of prayer in HOPCC St. Louis, MO. Jeremiah 33:3 WEB says, “Call to me, and I will answer you and will show you great and difficult things, which you don’t know.” Many great and mighty miracles are being performed because of the prayer ministries or this great church. Lives put back together, families reunited and drawn back to God, sick bodies healed, financial miracles, and the list goes on and on. There is indeed power in prayer! There are not many places left in America where a person can access the ministry of prayer with such power. House of Prayer and its powerful prayer ministries is an anchor of hope to many in the community that have discovered its worth.
In conclusion, HOPCC St. Louis, MO is a treasure worth finding and keeping. With its food pantry and full gospel preaching, there is an abundance of nourishment for both body and spirit, and the soul is kept thriving through its awesome prayer ministries. Ministries in the Midwest has found a gem in this great church and recognizes the magnitude of its impact and continues to have in the communities of St. Louis today.