Ministries in the Midwest

Ministries of the Midwest

Ministries in the Midwest


A great online resource to learn about wonderful churches and special ministries!

Ministries in the Midwest is not affiliated with any church, ministry, or religious entity but rather it is a blog displaying outstanding ministries in the Midwest region.

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24 / 7 Prayer Line

International Conference Call Meetings

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Prophesy to the Bones Ezekiel 37

This is our double office, as servants of God. We are to prophesy to earth and heaven, to man and God. Some forget the second of these injunctions and their work fails of its highest result. When they speak, bones “come together, bone to bone”; there is a stir in the graves of death and corruption; a coming together of the people to hear the word; and in many cases all the appearance of a new life. The flesh comes up and skin covers them above; but (and how fatal is the admission which this but introduces) there is no breath in them. It is clear that no amount of human persuasiveness or oratory can secure the true regeneration of the soul. That which is born of the flesh may be galvanized by the energy of the flesh into the appearance of spiritual life, but it will always remain flesh.

When you have done your best, and have failed of the highest results, prophesy to the Spirit; cry to the four winds, because He may come in the icy north wind of tribulation, or the warm west wind of prosperity; but

speak with the certain assurance of, “Thus saith the Lord God: Come!”  There is a sense in which the believer has the privilege of commanding the Spirit of God. “Concerning the works o f My hands, command ye Me.” When you obey the law of a force, the force will obey you; and when you yield utterly and humbly to God, the power of God will answer the summons of your faith.

Even while you are speaking, let your heart be in the attitude of expectancy; and according to your faith, it shall be done unto you. If you cannot go forth to witness or prophesy, let your prayer arise to God like a fountain day and night, that his Spirit may breathe on the slain.